The Associació Joan Ponç was created in 2007, led by Jordi Carulla-Ruiz and formed by people with a common interest in Ponç, with the intention of promoting the work of this visual artist. The association understands Ponç’s legacy from a double perspective: as a heritage that needs preserving and studying, and as a stimulus for contemporary creativity. Our line of action is governed by our willingness to encourage partnerships between different cultural agents, to promote the approach to Ponç from different languages and also to use his work as a starting point for new cultural projects.
About us
The Associació Joan Ponç was created in 2007, led by Jordi Carulla-Ruiz and formed by people with a common interest in Ponç, with the intention of promoting the work of this visual artist. The association understands Ponç’s legacy from a double perspective: as a heritage that needs preserving and studying, and as a stimulus for contemporary creativity. Our line of action is governed by our willingness to encourage partnerships between different cultural agents, to promote the approach to Ponç from different languages and also to use his work as a starting point for new cultural projects.